Tag Archives: trader joe’s

Wine tasting amateur hour

Had some friends over last week for a movie night and thought it'd be fun to do a wine tasting as well. Here are our notes. Clearly, we should keep our day jobs. Also, I should probably try a little harder to find at least a few worthy bottles of wine. Funny to see the priciest bottle get such a unenthusiastic response.

After getting our vino on, we sat down for a screening of A Clockwork Orange. Happy to say it still holds up after all of these years.

Wine number one
Spinner Merlot Sonoma/Napa — $9.99 from TJs

"I'm gonna say Rhone – $10 – bitter, I'm gonna make it a #5"
"Cote du Rhone, $9, dry"

Our negative notes for this wine seem to be somewhat corroborated here.

Wine number 2
B.R. Cohn Silver Label Cab — $12.99 from TJs

"Kinna fun. Light lunch wine."
"Non-offensive. Lunchy."
"Thin, but I'm not mad at it."
"Syrah, slightly tannic, $8"
"Not bad."
"Slighty bold. Not bold enough."
"Cabernet. Little tannin-y, but good."

Wine number 3

Bogle Petite Syrah — $9.99 from TJs

"Right down the middle, but nice peachy fun at the end."
"Kind of boring, would be good slightly chilled – $9"
"Mild, even tempered."
"Thin, weak."

Wine number 4
Sequoia Grove Sryah — $19.99 from TJs

"Airplane wine."
"Cabernet, tasteless with rubbery aftertaste – $8."
"Doesn't taste like anything."
"No taste up front but I like the after taste."
"Nice spice and finish."
"9-volt battery."

Wine number 5

Sterling Napa Cabernet — $11.99 from TJs

"Sweet smooth. Pinot noir?"
"Pinot/noir/zin. $11 – fruity."
"Water and grape juice thin zin."

Wine number 6
Foppiano Cabernet — $5.99 from TJs

"Soft beginning. Slightly harsh finish."
"Peppery (not very complex). $10."
"Zinfandel., jam. $12."
"Zin. Watery with a bit on the tail."
"Zin. Thin on the front with pepper bite."
"It has my attention."
"My fave."